T level in Manufacturing Processing and Control (Fitting Assembly Technologies) - Level 3
T Levels are courses which follow GCSEs and are equivalent to three A Levels. These two-year courses have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares learners for work.
The qualification will help you gain an understanding of the engineering industry and the sector, and you will cover topics such as:
Processes of production and manufacturing
Materials used in production, manufacturing, and fabrication environments
Specialist machinery utilised in the production and manufacturing environments
Product and project management
Quality assurance and quality control
Occupational specialisms are in
Fitting and assembly technologies
Machining and toolmaking technologies
T levels consist of Core modules for each specialism and are:
1) Engineering world
2) Principles of maths and Science in Engineering.
The content also includes an Employer set project, Occupational specialism of your choice and at least 45 days industry placement over 2 years. The qualification will help you gain an understanding of the engineering industry and the sector.
You will study core topics such as:
Health and Safety
Engineering Materials
Maths and Science
Project Planning
Roles and Responsibilities in Industry
Engineering Drawing
Electrical Principles
Mechanical Principles
Control Principles
You will be set an employer set project and then practically work in your occupational specialism in year 2.
Progress to an apprenticeship or Higher Education.