NEIoT Course
Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing, Level 3
This course is designed to provide highly specialist, work-related qualifications in a range of vocational engineering sectors. Learners will gain the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment, or enter higher education.
This course is a two year programme split into two single years. The first year establishes the core elements of engineering disciplines such as maths, electrical & electronic principles, and mechanical principles.
The course is suitable for school leavers with good academic GCSE results, but can also appeal to adult learners with equivalent qualifications or industrial experience on a part-time day basis.
Health & Safety
Electrical & Electronic Principles
Mechanical Principles
Engineering Materials
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
Principles of Analogue & Digital Devices and Circuits
Learners can progress to a L3 Diploma/Extended Diploma in specialist routes of Electrical and Electronic or Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering.